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Purpose of Pyramid Coin

The primary purpose of PYRAMID COIN (PYD coin) is to provide a platform that digitally reflects a hierarchical society, allowing users to experience a sense of belonging and achievement. This coin assigns various ranks and benefits to users based on their holdings, enabling them to clearly recognize their position within the digital economy. PYRAMID COIN thus fosters competition among users, aiming to increase the coin's value and stimulate community activity.

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Personal ranking chart

Ranking Address Quantity Country
41368.982980900495 Coin
3.955928 Coin
0 Coin
0 Coin

Ranking chart by country

Ranking Country Quantity Held
41372.9389089 Coin
0 Coin

Pyramid Coin Direction

The direction of PYRAMID COIN goes beyond merely distinguishing between hierarchies and benefits; it aims to create a global arena for exchange and communication. Users can share information and exchange various cultures and ideas within a global network through a chat system tailored to their rank. This positions PYRAMID COIN not just as a digital asset but as a tool for forming and maintaining a global community.

The PYRAMID COIN project pursues the following core values based on this direction:

  • Promotion of Hierarchical Exchange: By providing communication channels specialized for each rank, users are given the opportunity to share information and collaborate with one another.
  • Building a Global Community: Through a platform that welcomes users worldwide, the project encourages cross-border exchanges and cooperation
  • Continuous Value Provision: By offering various benefits and rewards to coin holders, the project simultaneously promotes investment value and community participation
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Pyramid Coin Ecosystem

The PYRAMID COIN (PYDcoin) ecosystem is focused on fostering user interaction, value exchange, and community activities through a multi-layered structure. Designed to offer users a differentiated experience based on various ranks, this ecosystem realizes the core values of hierarchical communication and benefit provision inherent to PYRAMID COIN.

Key Components

Ranking System

Users are classified into different ranks based on the amount of PYDcoin they hold. The ranks are organized as White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Black, with coin holdings determining one's rank, along with the issuance of badges and specific benefits, service access rights, and roles within the community.

Exchange and Communication Platforms

Users are classified into different ranks based on the amount of PYDcoin they hold. The ranks are organized as White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Black, with coin holdings determining one's rank, along with the issuance of badges and specific benefits, service access rights, and roles within the community.

Rewards and Incentive Mechanisms

Users are classified into different ranks based on the amount of PYDcoin they hold. The ranks are organized as White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Black, with coin holdings determining one's rank, along with the issuance of badges and specific benefits, service access rights, and roles within the community.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Users are classified into different ranks based on the amount of PYDcoin they hold. The ranks are organized as White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Black, with coin holdings determining one's rank, along with the issuance of badges and specific benefits, service access rights, and roles within the community.

Sustainable Development

Users are classified into different ranks based on the amount of PYDcoin they hold. The ranks are organized as White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Black, with coin holdings determining one's rank, along with the issuance of badges and specific benefits, service access rights, and roles within the community.

By integrating these components, the PYRAMID COIN ecosystem creates an environment where users can realize their position within the digital economy and maximize their value through exchanges within a global community.

Token Information


Abbreviation: PYDcoin

Initial Issuance Quantity: 1 trillion PYD

Maximum Issuance Quantity: 5 trillion PYD

Blockchain Basis: Ethereum (ERC-20 Token)

Smart Contract Address:0X000000

PYRAMID COIN (PYDcoin) operates as an ERC-20 standard token on the Ethereum blockchain. This standard ensures that PYRAMID COIN is compatible with the Ethereum network and guarantees interoperability with widely used wallets, exchanges, and other services.

Distribution and Circulating Supply

The initial issuance of PYRAMID COIN is set at 1 trillion PYDcoin, with a cap at 5 trillion PYDcoin. The distribution of tokens is planned as follows


Community and User Incentives

40% of the total issuance is allocated for community building, user incentive programs, and various marketing activities. This plays a crucial role in activating and growing the PYRAMID COIN ecosystem.


Team and Early Supporters

20% is allocated to the project team, advisors, and early supporters to support long-term project development and operation. This portion will be locked for a certain period to ensure a long-term commitment to the project

  • Community and User Incentives

  • Team and Early Supporters

  • Partnerships and Ecosystem Development Fund

  • Public Sale


Partnerships and Ecosystem Development Fund

30% is used for partnership development, projects with strategic collaborators, and a fund for ecosystem development. This supports the scalability of PYRAMID COIN.


Public Sale

The remaining 10% is sold to the general public through ICO(Initial Coin Offering) or other public sale methods. This process is conducted transparently and fairly, playing a vital role in raising initial funds for the PYRAMID COIN project.

The circulating supply is expected to change over time, with additional PYDcoin being introduced to the market based on user participation and network activity. Strategic management and the capped maximum issuance of PYRAMID COIN will play an important role in ensuring the token's value and stability over the long term.

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